Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Easy Ways to Add Walking Mileage to Your Day

Walking the suggested 10,000 miles a day might seem hard but this is roughly only 5 miles (varying on stride and height). I know, you're still thinking that 5 miles seems like a big deal. But really it isn't.

Are you a person who paces when they talk on the phone? If so you have found an ultra efficient reason to stay in regular contact with friends and family. If you have one half hour conversation and pace while you talk you'll look down at your pedometer and be shocked that you probably walked 1.75-2 miles! I don't know about you but I simply cannot help but pace while I am talking on the phone and I always feel doubly rewarded with the mileage and the contact. If you have 2 conversations a day and simply do a little walking peppered throughout your day there is little to no reason why you can't reach 10,000 steps. :)

If you hate talking on the phone or don't feel like you have enough people to call to make this worth your effort you can pace while watching a 1 hour tv show you really enjoy. :)

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