Friday, October 18, 2013

Healthy Frozen Food

Ours is the generation of individuals on the go living through life in the fast lane. There just isn't time to do everything and cook a meal every day so sometimes we resort to fast food or frozen food because in 15 minutes or less you have a meal.

The biggest issue with fast food dinners is the massive amount of sodium that is used to preserve it. "The Cleveland Clinic advises that if you do choose to consume frozen dinners, pick ones that have no more than 600 milligrams of total sodium per entrĂ©e and be sure not to eat more than one frozen meal in the same day." Yeah you read me right, do not eat a frozen lunch with a frozen dinner. Bad! High consistent sodium intake can lead to high blood pressure, kidney disease,  stroke, heart disease, and congestive heart failure. Have a scared you yet? Good. Other things to watch out for is the number of calories, number of grams of fat, and if it's generally balance (a meat with a  veggie.) As a general rule of thumb the fewer ingredients listed the better it probably is for you.

The absolute best thing you can do is freeze your own meat, veggies, or whole meals and reheat when needed but if that is not an option the following are decent brands for frozen food. Click on the name to go to the manufacture's site. Now this does NOT mean that every item on their product lineup is good. Be smart, look at the label and look at the amount of sodium, look to see if its balanced so you're not eating empty carbs or missing out on proteins and nutrients, check the fat content and see if it fits in with your fitness goal. If you're not sure how much fat your diet calls for check out the Nutrition Calculator on the column to the left under Fitness Calculators to give you a better idea.

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