Thursday, May 14, 2015

Benefits of Long Walks

In today's fast paced, never enough time in the day, kind of society it makes it difficult to argue for time consuming activities such as long walks. But there are a number of tangible and non-tangible benefits to long walks.

I'm sure you're wondering what accounts for a long walk? A long walk is just a distance greater than usual. If you grow accustomed to walking 5 miles a few times a week than your long walk must be longer than 5 miles. Long walks are not about speed but distance. Increasing the amount of aerobic activity builds strength in your lungs and increases your VO2 Max meaning you breathe more efficiently. Going slowly over a long distance will increase the amount of fat being burned instead of Glycogen which is great for low impact weight-loss. Some of  the non-tangible benefits include setting a goal and having the focus to stay with it and learning to remain calm in stressful situations. Additionally, a long walk has long served the purpose of clearing your mind from distractions or giving you the time and space to solve a difficult quandry.

Some of the best things you can do when prepping for a long walk is put the information out there,  make yourself accountable, invite friends along to cheer you on and hold you to it. The day before you should avoid intense activity so that you're fresh for the challenge. Have a route in mind and make sure someone knows you're going to be there and when - safety first! Make sure to carry a water bottle and check your route for water refill stations, don't want to cut a walk short because you're dehydrated. If you're going to be out there a long while dress according to the weather. If no one can join you on your long walk pack your playlist with a long list of jams to keep you motivated or make sure your phones charged and plan this time to get in touch with family and friends you haven't talked to in a while.

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