Monday, June 15, 2015

Monday Workout - Incline Interval Walk

Lesson Learned: I am staying at a hotel for a work conference and they have a decent gym but because I was so focused on getting it done I didn't even notice they had a huge rack of towels I could've used instead of continually wiping the sweat from my eyes. Also, that I do not like the Heart Rate Monitor pre-programmed workout, because of my heart condition it spikes high with little effort so even though I was barely moving it kept slowing my pace and incline further. That said, I LOVED the Aerobics pre-programmed workout. It started you at incline 0, then after a few minutes moved to 1 then to 2 and then 3 and then to 4 and back down the line, just like real hills. It worked my heart rate pretty hard core and even though I was COMPLETELY DRENCHED in sweat (seriously, not a dry spot on my clothing) I still felt really good. I kept the pace between 3 and 4.5 and it just felt great.

Reflection: Finished my workout at 9,000 steps so I only need to walk another 20 mins or so today to meet my goal. I will probably do another short workout after dinner depending on how bad I was.

Today I Listened to: Spotify Playlist Just Dance 2015, my power jam was Break Free, those 42 seconds I was in the highest heart rate zone I was jamming out to the chorus line. I can't say it enough I FEEL FANTASTIC like I can take on anything.

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