Wednesday, May 15, 2013

30 Minute Track Day - 5 Rookie Mistakes

Okay so today was my first legitimate day of training, the training according to the Run Disney schedule doesn't begin until June 4, but some of us (*cough* me) are starting behind the curve. I walk/jogged a mile in 14.5 minutes with the average pace of 13 minutes and 32 seconds. While this was under my goal of 15 minutes I'm not sure I could have sustained this momentum for very long as by the end my pace was about 15.5 minutes. I should have taken their advice and walked the first half mile and worked up to a jog so that was Rookie mistake #1. So the first thing I have learned is NEVER assume you know more about something than you do, be smart and take advice when it's not your area of expertise - the world will not end if you're not the authority on everything.

I've also come to the conclusion that certain kinds of stretches should happen first to warm up the calf muscles because mine were unhappy with me and definitely using the same stretch following the jog would probably eliminate that rush of tight pain in my legs. Rookie mistake #2 Stretching is important it can prevent you from seriously injuring yourself. I found an article with a detailed walk through on Cool Running's site - Stay Loose: Stretches for Runners by Josh Clark which has proved to be enlightening. For post work out an Article from suggests a Leg Targeted Yoga Routine to loosen up those tight muscles - it worked wonders for me. So the second thing I learned it don't skimp on my time - spare the 10 minutes before and after to truly get in the zone, it's not like I don't have the time scheduled so why not use it?

Rookie mistake #3 is not knowing how to breathe while jogging. My lungs were burning and it actually HURT to exhale when I was finished due to the excessive shallow breathing. I actually whipped out my inhaler the moment I got to my car (see Rookie mistake #5 lol) I found a great article from that offers Breathing Tips for New Runners. So the third thing I learned is to breathe deeply and perhaps incorporate deep breathing into my warm ups to help get me into the zone.

On a practical note I have 2 more mistakes. Rookie mistake # 4 tight tank tops are not your friend if you're trying to be modest - these may have been fine in the gym with the low impact workouts but it just kept riding up and baring half my stomach . Looks like the t-shirts in my drawer are finally going to see the light again and maybe some scissors to cute the backs out. :) So the fourth thing I learned is that absolutely no one and I mean NO ONE cares what you look like as you're warming up and preparing to run and while you run but it doesn't mean they won't see it so save the tank tops for yoga.

Rookie mistake #5 was not having a way to carry the things I wanted to have with me. I wanted to carry my car keys, my phone to be able to see my pace, distance, and time, my water bottle, and my iPod. My keys and iPod weren't a big deal. I have a very small zip pocket on the back of my favorite tech pants and an armband for the iPod but I was left wanting to carry my phone in one hand and my water bottle in another - which just didn't work out for me. I will need to find a way to make or buy a hip fanny pack for my phone so I feel like it's secure against my body. I could get something like the Nathan 5k Running Belt from Sports Authority but it looks clunky and uncomfortable. A few years ago Vera Bradley sold a small relatively flat - great for phone and inhaler - travel belt. They don't have the design in any new colors but I might find out at the local outlet store or on ebay - if I'm super lucky craigslist :)

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