Saturday, June 8, 2013

4 Mile Run With Hydes Update

Okay these are the stats from today's 4 mile run with Hydes. Our average pace was 16'23" and we completed it in 1 hour and about 6 minutes. Being that last week when I ran with her we completed 3 miles in an hour I feel I need to give her a nice round of applause. WAY TO GO HYDES! For this run we used her interval timer and ran for 30 seconds and walked for a minute. I know right now I'm at a 1:1 ratio but I didn't want to push her beyond her ability and get injured. It won't be long and she'll be where I'm at :)

Reflections about this run. Wearing all moisture wicking clothing helped considerably more than I ever dreamed. I full recommend the sports bras ($8 sale), compression capris ($17 sale), and semi fitting racerbacks ($10 sale) they have in their collection (and on a steep sale until June 19th). Other Reflections about this run include wow I can breathe just fine all the way through this - my respiration while running has deeply improved but my legs started to feel the burn really early - maybe around the 2 mile mark? But it wasn't bad enough for me to stop but it was enough to notice. Perhaps I need to work some strength training in on my legs. After I do the treadmill make up on my individual run I will peruse the leg weights machines and see which is the best fit for me and find out which ones I can even operate!

Below is the image from today's run. You can see I broke with the pace at the end and just went for it when the timer told me there was only 100 meters to go. I felt really good after this - almost like it was a warmup - I still had so much energy left over!

The splits worked out like this. The first mile's average pace was 16'36", the second mile's average pace was 17"13 (-4% change), third mile's average pace was 15"30' (+9% change), and the fourth mile's average pace was 16"13' (-5% change). I love that we ended better than we finished. I am so proud of Hydes.

I was going to re-run this to see how I did but when I started I accidentally had the machine set to hill climb and I decided to leave it, 2 miles in I was exhausted and I didn't care about anything but downing a gallon of water and going to bed. For the future, I will make sure the incline is not set to hill climber. All that being said  my average pace was pretty amazing so instead of redoing the 4 miles I will just use the stats from the hill climb run to gauge my progress this week from last week.

My splits were as follows: 1st mile 13"26 and the 2nd mile was 13"12. I did marginally better in the second mile.

To the left are my predicted splits. My goal this week was to finished 4 miles with an average pace of 14 minutes per mile. Using the data from my run this afternoon I'd have finished 4 miles in 57'1" for the sake of simple math we'll say 57 when divided by 4 is 14.25 or 14'15" So it appears I was closer to my goal earlier this week when my average pace was 14"01. I'll chalk it up to already having exercised, doing leg weights, and deciding to do a hill climb. Let me know in the comments section if I should give myself a pass this week and day I made my training goal due to these factors ;)

Below is my snapshot of the week's progress

This week I earned a few Nike+ Trophies: Bronze Trophy for running more than 15 miles in a month, Double Shot for running twice in one day, Nike 5k Fuel for earning over 5k Nike Fuel Points, Exercising 4 weeks in a row. On Monday's run I earned fastest mile and fastest 1k. During this mornings run I logged the longest workout, the furthest mileage in single workout, must runs in a week, and most calories burned. 

You can see on my progress report that my Pace is a little steadier now - not as all over the place and my average pace for the week overall was  about 15 minutes per mile and that most of my runs were done in the evening and on a treadmill. 

By the way, Spinning classes at LA Fitness are terrible - the instructor is great even if he does look like Ken Doll but the machines are so hard by butt and pelvic bones are still crying when I sit down almost 24 hours later - which trust me had NOTHING to do with the workout intensity. Also, spinning before running should've been duh but I wanted to try out the spinning class as a cross training alternative but my butt would never agree to that kind of torture. lol.

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