Saturday, June 1, 2013

5k Take Two Weekly Progress Report Update

Okay so I re-ran my 5k on the treadmill at the gym. To be fair I had never done any of my running training on the treadmill before and I found it easier to push myself because I could see all the stats in front of me so I was encouraged to push in a little harder if I knew I was going to get to a mile marker to get there quicker. I don't know how I could possibly simulate this effect on a traditional run other than those super expensive GPS watches that you only expect to get during Hanukkah from your loved one. I followed a method that seemed to help me keep pace. I walked for 2 minutes at 2.5 speed and then jogged for 2 minutes at 4-5.5 depending on my energy level. I should clarify the only time I pushed it to 5.5 was at the tail end to finish strong. My legs were a little wobbly when I got off the machine but after about a half hour my legs were up to the challenge of getting in my car and driving home with no problems.

This is my new Predicted Splits based off the data from this workout. It predicts that I will run 10 miles in 1hour, 36 minutes, and 21 seconds which is 23 minutes and 17 seconds better than last week. But let's take a look at my Week 4 Training Goals that I wanted to meet by end of next Saturday. It predicts I will run 4 miles in 59 minutes and 2 seconds which to make make easier is 59.03. When divided by four is equal to 14.75 which means 14'45" minutes per mile. My training goal was to to do 4 miles with an average of 14' per mile. I only need to improve by 45 seconds to increase this goal so I met my week to week goal I set last week.

This is my updated Progress Report to show my run for this afternoon. I won a few trophies this week, The Double Shot for doing 2 Runs in the same day, 3 Weeks in a Row for logging a run every week for three weeks, 3 Times a Week for running three times this week. I also reach some new personal bests which you can see on the Current Stats Page :) I will update my FitBit Numbers at the end of the night since the day is not yet over.


  1. I don't know if your app does this, but we use RunKeeper. you can set it to announce everything at whatever interval you choose. for a while, it's been timed runs we do, so it would go off like every 5 minutes with an update on how we are doing (time, distance run, and pacing). you can set it to go off based on distance too though. which is the one I will be switching to for our next run, which is a distance run.

    check to see if any of the stuff you use has something like that? at least if you have it set to go off every mile you can expect that when you are out on trails etc. or find a trail that is marked?

  2. I cannot listen to my phone and my iPod at the same time and it does announce distance and time at integral points like 5 minutes or 1 mile or 400 meters to go and whatnot whether you're running distance or time and to does announce your CURRENT pace but not your average pace until the end of a workout and sadly it wont do announce intervals so all I need is an interval timer I can see on my wrist or is loud enough over my music, :)

    The West Orange Trail is marked every half mile but idealistically I like to get a quarter mile every 5 minutes so that's why I like the treadmill I constantly see my information instead of occasionally.
