Sunday, November 8, 2015

Re-Committing to Fitness

So I know I've written a post on the difficulties of being young with Heart Valve Disease and how I get discouraged and stop caring altogether but since my August Hiatus with my heart trouble I'm jumping back into the fitness swing of things. Yeah, I know, terrible timing, I'm committing to be healthy and fit during the hardest season - Holiday Season.

These are a few tips and reminders to avoid the Holiday Belly!

  1. Don't arrive to a party already hungry, you'll pig out on WAY too many sweets and desserts if you do or be inclined to take oversized portions on calorie dense dishes.
  2. If you're attending a potluck or are the hostess - make every effort to make sure the dishes you are making/bringing are nutritious AND delicious. Try searching for guilt free comfort food recipes for makeovers on your favorite dishes to be healthier. Try Cooking Light or Eating Well.
  3. Be mindful of your beverages; alcohol, soda, and juice are high in sugar and calories. If you do drink one of these do it in moderation and alternate with tea, coffee, or water.
  4. Plan 1-2 workouts a week, it might be too hard to commit to a half hour every day but at least try once or twice maybe when you're running errands make efforts to park further away or shopping time inefficiently.
  5. Do you, don't worry about what the hostess thinks if you skipping out on her "famous pecan pie". If you don't want it, don't feel pressured to eat it.

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