Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday Classes - Yoga & Zumba

Okay, so I burned 20 less calories this Monday than I did last Monday. I think I might starting leg weights on this day as I'm not usually fatigued following this round of classes and I never made it to that "happy burn".

Update for the whole day:
Total Calorie Burn: 2,256
Total Calorie Intake: 1,245
Total Calorie Deficit: 1,011, equivalent to 28% of a pound.
Notes: If I keep up this calorie deficit through Monday morning next week (1,011x7)/3500 I could lose about 2 lbs.

Other Stats:
Resting Heart Rate: 68 BPM
Active Minutes: 1:23
Longest Idle Time: 1:03
Total Time Sleeping: 8:34
Steps: 12,406
Weight: 138.2
Fat Percent: 28%
Water Percent: 44%
BMI: 24
Total Cholesterol Intake: 155 grams
Total Sodium Intake: 1,220 grams
Total Fiber Intake: 7 grams
Total Sugar Intake: 88 grams
% Calories Carbs: 54%
% Calories Fat: 11%
% Calories Protein: 35%

1 comment:

  1. Yoga is a holistic practice that transcends the realms of physical exercise, incorporating elements of mindfulness, breath control, and meditation. Originating in ancient India, yoga has evolved into a global phenomenon, embraced by individuals seeking physical well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual growth. At its core, yoga fosters the union of mind, body, and spirit, promoting a harmonious balance in one's life.
